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Womens Cricket Tournament

In an endeavor to find and nurture talent in the field of Women’s cricket, the Sports Committee of KMC Manipal, in collaboration with ZOLO, organized the first ever Women’s Cricket Tournament.

The tournament started on 25th of October, and concluded with its final on the 29th of October, all the matches showing exemplary performance and sportsmanship from the competing teams- KMC Falcons, KMC Amazonians and KMC Valkyrie.

After a challenging set of matches, the women of KMC Falcons and KMC Valkyrie went head-to-head in the final on the 29th. Each innings was 8 overs long, with Amazonians winning the toss and closing to bat first, racking up an impressive score of 42 runs with the loss of 3 wickets. The game concluded with their impressive win, with Valkyries ending the second innings with 32 runs with 5 wickets down.

The tournament was participated in enthusiastically, and the trophy was sought with passion and dedication by the players, indicating a bright future ahead for women’s cricket in KMC Manipal.


Photography by: Sanit Kumar, Head of Organising , LUMEN and Members of Sports Commitee

Written by: Tanvee Walia, The Editorial Board, KMC

Uploaded by: Alisha Chrissel Lobo, The Editorial Board, KMC