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SWC Funds


Every year, with our scholarship fund, we support the higher secondary education of children in need of financial support, pushing them to study further, weaving opportunities into bright futures. ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give’ – Winston Churchill.

Our scholarship fund, UDAAN supports the higher secondary education of children in need of financial support.

In 2020, we had the privilege to reach out to 5 exceptional children from 2 Pre University Schools.

Jnanaganga PU College:

  • Kumar Punith; S/O Sudhakara Naik
  • Kumari Rachana R Poojary; D/O Raghava Poojary They received a total amount of ₹43,206.

PU College Manipal:

  • Gyanappa Dalavayi; S/O Basappa Dalavayi, a cross country runner whose father is coolie.
  • Swathi; D/O Sadhu Poojary who lost her eyesight in an accident and whose father is a coolie.
  • Rajatg Aacharya, a football player whose father is in weilding business and has undergone an open heart surgery.

They recieved a total amount of ₹42,156.

We were able to tally such a huge fund from the overwhelming response we received at our our annual fundraiser, Sportzquake! We managed to help out one additional student as compared to last year, all with your help.

We extend our utmost gratitude and thank you’s to all those who were part of our annual sports bonanza, from the blow of the whistle to the glory at the finish line! We hope that our efforts aid the great aspirations of these deserving children and lead them to a better and brighter future.

No step is considered ‘small’ in this process of helping out and being better individuals everyday, so we thoroughly appreciate your coming out and fuelling our attempts to bring out happiness wherever we can!

The Social Welfare Committee with your help has managed to collect more than 2 lakh rupees in a span of 3 days.

A ‘thank you’ is definitely in order but more importantly, this stands as a testament that together, no matter how small/big the participation, we can help change something somewhere.

As a committee, we are always baffled by the goodness and willingness to help that we see amongst our students and the college community. In this particular instance, amidst troubling timescales, we are left in awe yet again.

We thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read Preethi’s story and follow up with it. Today, you have made a significant contribution in helping someone out in their time of need and this collective effort will flourish in the long run!

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams – Eleanor Roosevelt. Dreams are what nurture and guide young minds towards a better future, and no child should be deprived of their dream of education. Keeping this in mind, our scholarship fund, UDAAN was created to support the higher secondary education of children in need of financial support.

This past year, despite the pandemic being a serious impediment to the collection of funds, the Social Welfare committee managed to sponsor the tuition fees for the 2nd year PUC of two students from Manipal Pre-University College, Manipal. The students are:

  1. Master Shankar Anantha Devadiga
  2. Miss Shwetha

Each child received a total amount of Rs.14,402.

We were able to help these students in gruelling times because of your contributions and support. Thus, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in our online events and did their bit to help bring these children closer to their dreams. We hope to see this same  enthusiasm and solicitude in future and hopefully safer circumstances.


‘It’s not someone doing everything, it’s everyone doing something that truly matters.’ SAMSKRITI, our child welfare fund is used to provide for the treatment of underprivileged children.

Over the past year, we have given financial support for the treatment of the following children :-

  • Pratiksha, Ayesha and Vasim suffering from thalassemia was given Rs 8,220 for DESIROX tablets.
  • Chandana was given a total amount of Rs 10,000 for the treatment of her scrub typhus.
  • Rs 15,000 was given for the treatment of two premature twins.

Providing financial aid to so many children in need would not have been possible without the efforts of all those who enthusiastically took part in all our year round events. We extend a heartfelt thanks and hope to see the same vigor in the years to come!

In her short but inspiring life, Gabriele Grunewald rightly said that you can still make something beautiful and something powerful out of a really bad situation.

When the entire world is going through hard times, it is difficult to proffer help, nonetheless with your support, SWC was able to sponsor treatments of two patients with serious medical conditions. In 2022 from Samskriti, our Girl Child Fund, we provided financial aid to –

Sunena, a five year old girl suffering from nephrotic syndrome was given Rs. 20,000.

Sufiyan, a 10 year old girl was given Rs. 45,000 for the treatment of Fanconi Anemia with severe thrombocytopenia and malnutrition.

The funds were generated from our multi-faceted online event ‘Allons-Y ’made successful by your kind participation. We extend a heartfelt thank you for lending a helping hand in our endeavors and that hope that you continue to do so in the years to come!