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National Eye Donation Fortnight Poster Competition

Imagine if one day you woke up and the world was completely dark, and you could no longer see the screen of your phone, the birds on that tree outside your window, cars whirring by on the road, or anything at all. This is a reality for nearly 50 million people on the planet today, who do not have the privilege of seeing the world as we do. Vision is a gift, meant to be treasured. In order to give this gift to the people who are living without it and spread awareness about the importance of eye donation, National Eye Donation Fortnight is observed every year from August 25th to September 8th.

This year, in celebration of the National Eye Donation Fortnight, the Kasturba Hospital Eye Bank and the Department of Ophthalmology, in collaboration with the Student Council and the Editorial Board, had organised an E-Poster competition on the theme “Let Your Eyes Live Twice.” Participants could send their entries in the form of posters using still images, cartoons or original photographs, and the best 5 posters stood a chance to get showcased in stands across Kasturba Hospital, and also win exciting prizes including a smart watch and Bluetooth earphones.

The posters received were a melange of colour, illustrations and infographics, all highlighting the importance of letting your eyes carry forward your legacy, by giving the gift of vision to those in need. Out of nearly 50 entries, the top 5 positions were bagged by Sai Sriya Yadavalli, Namrata Gupta, Abhijay Awasthi, Pradnayan Agarwal and Vartika Agarwal, students of KMC Manipal.

Thus, the E-Poster competition was a unique way of celebrating National Eye Donation Fortnight and helped spread knowledge about the need for eye donation and its process to both the students as well as those viewing their posters across the hospital!

Design Credits : Shivika Saroagi, EIC,The Editorial Board, KMC
Writing credits : Mrunmayee Nerlikar , The Editorial Board, KMC
Photography Credits: Sparsh Srivastava, The Editorial Board, KMC
Upload Credits: Sourabh Singh, The Editorial Board KMC