Tempus Pretioso, the student enthusiasts’ emergency medicine club of KMC, Manipal, organized a workshop titled Learn ‘EM Skills for students in the first year of MBBS. Spanning the evenings of 14th and 15th February, the workshop enabled participants to gain valuable hands-on experience in a variety of routine skills used in Emergency Medicine that prove essential in any physician’s tool kit.
As students rotated amongst stations covering the basics of BP & pulse, CPR, the Heimlich manouver, JVP, auscultation and the Glasgow Coma Scale, warm and friendly interactions formed the basis for a comfortable learning environment.
Immediately after this session in the Interact Lecture Halls, the participants were taken to the Emergency Department for an explanation on the process of triaging and a demonstration of defibrillation by Dr. Faisal Basheer & Dr. Adithya R, two renowned and well-practiced doctors of the department.

By building up their concepts from scratch and providing them with exposure to the somber urgency in the Emergency Department, Tempus Pretioso managed to instill both an understanding of what it means to be a doctor and an enthusiasm to become one themselves in the budding professionals.
Design: Tempus Pretioso, KMC
Photography: Samir Gulati, The Editorial Board KMC
Writer: Rohita Mahesh, The Editorial Board KMC
Uploaded by: Sourabh Singh, The Editorial Board KMC