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World Mental health day

The Student Council of KMC Manipal celebrated the World Mental Health day on the 11th of October 2023, by conducting some activities for the residents of Hombelaku – Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centre. These activities included competitions like diya painting competition, poster making competitions and others.

The Student Council representatives involved in the same were:

Sneha Saxena (Social Welfare Committee Secretary)

Rakshak Raman (General Secretary)

Ayush Rana (Joint Secretary)

Saurya Potluri (Judicial Secretary)

Samir Gulati (Associate Editor)

Avishi Sharma (Member of SWC)

Ekantika Bajaj (Member of SWC)

They were also joined by students of MCHP and the staff of Hombelaku.

In all, it was a great experience for all the students to have gotten the opportunity to spend some time with these warriors on the occasion of this special day.

The Student Council would like to thank Dean sir, Dr. Padmaraj Hegde for giving them this opportunity. Dr. Praveen from Department of Psychiatry and Dr. Vinod Nayak from Department of Forensic Medicine in helping them coordinate this event.

Writing: Ayushman Kashyap, President Student Council
Photography: Samir Gulati, Associate Editor
Coverage: Medha Chatterjee, The Editorial Board KMC