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Undergraduate Research Workshop

MBBS fills a student’s mind with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, empowering them to
achieve their goals. Curiosity drives a brilliant mind and makes one question every aspect of
what they are reading, with a will to find the solution. This essence of research was thrown light
upon on 6th August 2022, when KMC’s very own Student Research Forum organised
‘Undergraduate Research Workshop’ , in association with ‘The Editorial Board’ as the media
partner. It was held for the students to understand how one can actually begin their research
and the required help they can get from KMC.

The panelists for the event were Dr Mohan Amberkar, an eminent researcher and associate professor – Pharmacology, Dr Chandani Gupta, associate professor – Anatomy, with many research papers in her belt and the illustrious Dr Shankar M Bakkannavar, associate professor and SRF Faculty advisor.

The event was also graced by the auspicious presence of our Associate Dean Dr Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay, who is also the head of Research cell, KMC and head of Manipal Institute of Virology. He kick started
the seminar by throwing light on the importance of research and how medical students can
begin their research careers by selling a simple question – why.

The event was held in Interact Halls and was considered a tremendous success with a turnover
of over a 100 people.

The seminar kicked off with Dr Amberkar’s presentation on ‘Introduction to Research’, in which
he gave instances of eminent scientists and how they arrived on the discoveries that made them
famous. He used several unique catchphrases and flow charts to make students engrossed in
the fascinating concepts of research and its value in our modern world.

This was followed by Dr Gupta’s presentation on ‘Preparation of protocol’ . Here, she made the students understand the proper protocols, the importance of ethics in research, and the proper format of a research
paper using different cases.

She was followed by Dr Bakkannavar, who delivered a talk on ‘Reference, Bibliography and Plagiarism’. He explained the technicalities in a paper, with special emphasis on topics like citation, journals, and most importantly – plagiarism.

The session was concluded by a panel discussion and a question answer session, where
students took the stage and asked the doubts that have been eating them away. With a clearer
mind and a broadened perspective, the world is not ready for these budding researchers
of KMC, who will one day surely blow everyone’s minds away with their work.

The seminar ended with final words by Secretary of SRF – Vishnu Bharadwaj and the vote of
thanks by Vanshita Kapoor.

It was surely an enlightening event, which left its students with enough to contemplate.


Design by: Samridhi Kalra, Student Research Form, KMC

Written by: Anushka Acharya, Student Research Form, KMC

Photography by: Pranav Venugopal, The Editorial Board, KMC

Uploaded by: Alisha Chrissel Lobo, The Editorial Board, KMC