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Researching 101: Demystifying IEC

The evening of 15th March saw the Interact Halls host an incredibly helpful workshop to anyone looking to start their journey in research. The Student Research Forum of KMC, Manipal, organised Research 101: Demystifying IEC as a part of their series of workshops designed to make the rather intimidating endeavour of research more approachable to everyone. With over 75 registrations spanning KMC, WGSHA and MCOPS, the event was undoubtedly a success.

In the presence of Dr. Sanjay Kini, the speakers of the event, Dr. Rajeshkrishna Bhandary and Dr. Ranjitha Shetty, decorated professionals well-versed in research from the departments of Psychiatry and Community Medicine respectively, were welcomed. 

Dr. Bhandary started the event with an introduction to ethics—what they are, why we need them and how they tie into research. With interesting insights into the history of how ethics came to become such a major part of modern research and tidbits of information regarding vulnerable populations, informed consent, concerns and compensation, it’s no wonder that the audience was keen on learning all that he had to offer. 

The second speaker, Dr. Shetty, took a more practical approach and, after explaining the working process of the IEC, proceeded to walk the audience through the entire application process. She offered tips and tricks to navigate the system with ease, explaining every step in detail alongside its demonstration. 

To conclude the event, the two speakers proceeded to answer any and all queries from the audience with great care, troubleshooting concerns from everyone and providing reassurance to the best of their ability. 

Photographs : Arnav, The Editorial Board KMC
Write-Up: Rohita Mahesh, The Editorial Board KMC
Coverage: Sourabh SIngh, The Editorial Board KMC