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Prima – season 1

Artemis, the official E-Sports and Gaming Club of KMC, Manipal, organised a thrilling gaming fest that spanned five days.

PRIMA – Season 1 was an Intra-MAHE Mobile Gaming fest, the very first gaming fest of its kind in Manipal. From 11th to 15th September, Artemis ensured that participants were engaged in a crazy five-day battle both online and offline.

Contests in the mobile games Call of Duty: Mobile and Battle Grounds Mobile India, popularised as CODM and BGMI, were organised and saw well over 40 participants from several MAHE colleges.

The first day of the event was conducted entirely online, and saw six talented teams of five contend against each other in three intense rounds of CODM. The winners of each round sailed directly into the semi-finals scheduled for the next day, and the remaining teams clashed for the final place in the semi-finals.

For the semi-finals, the selected teams reported to the Interact Lecture Halls for their first offline battle from which only two teams emerged victorious.

On 13th September, the highly anticipated finals of CODM took place. Everyone awaited the results with bated breath and the tension in the air grew thick enough to be cut with a knife as the two teams faced off for the title of the champions.

Team Vanarsena, with Saad Khan, Shubhanshu Jaiswal, Shreyansh, Swaraj Singh and Anugya Divansh came in first place while Team Thunderbeasts, with Akshat Agarwal and Adarsh were the runner-ups in this riveting competition that kept everyone at the edge of their seats.

The third day also saw the BGMI gaming tournament, and six teams of four players each competed against each other until one team was proclaimed the winner.

Team Tenzin, comprising of Lobsang Rincehn, Tenzin Sangpo, Tenzin Tsephel and Tenzin Tsewang were the winners of the exciting BGMI contest, and Team Hydranoid with Atif Mustafa, Arham Parvez, Yash Dixit and Vijay Acharya came in second place.

The remainder of PRIMA was filled with entertaining and light-hearted informal games including Scribbl, a fast-paced online drawing and guessing game, a thrilling offline rendition of the popular game Among Us, and 8 Ball Pool.

Over 50 players ranging from those in UG and PG courses to faculty participated in the informal games. The amicable atmosphere created by these casual games and the similar interests in gaming of those present kindled many a friendship and lit the spark for several interesting conversations. Dr. Reena Parvez from the Department of Pharmacology, KMC, Manipal, joined in on the fun and was a great sport in all these games.

With the end of the informal games came the end of this pioneering gaming fest in Manipal, and Artemis wrapped up the five-day event as a brilliant success. Everyone who’d taken a part in this amazing fest left with a head full of bright memories from their first gaming competition and even brighter smiles.

Design Credits: ART3MIS, KMC
Writing Credits: Rohita Mahesh, The Editorial Board, KMC
Photography Credits: Manas Agrawal, Pranav Venugopal, The Editorial Board, KMC
Upload Credits: Sourabh Singh, The Editorial Board, KMC