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On 9th July 2022, Incandescent conducted an event called Pitchwell exclusively for first year students. It was an informal event held to ignite interest in ideation.

The event began with a brief introduction about the club and its objectives. The organisers then took a poll on the difficulties faced as a student in Manipal. The responses ranged from academic issues like biometric attendance and the language barrier to personal issues like social media addiction and time management. The participants were then split into pairs and asked to tackle any of the listed problems. Members of the Incandescent team personally walked them through the entire process.

After two hours of brainstorming, the solutions were finalised.

The pitches were prefaced by a talk by three members from team Incandescent who had previously participated in the Ideation competition and been shortlisted for their innovation. They detailed their strategy, their plans, the pitfalls they faced in their journey and offered helpful advice to the participants about the same. With this, the pitches began.

All groups put forth their proposals, starting off with the repercussions that their issue has on students and moving on to their approach of resolving it. They were cross-questioned by the organisers and given specific suggestions to improve their ideas.

The evening concluded with the organisers thanking the participants for their enthusiasm. The team of Incandescent delivered another successful event.


Written by : Ishita Sharma, Incandescent
Design by : Incandescent, KMC Manipal
Photography by : Pranav Venugopal, The Editorial Board KMC
Uploaded by : Alisha Chrissel Lobo, The Editorial Board KMC