On 12th June 2023, Incandescent held Pitchwell, a stimulating brainstorming session where students endeavoured to find modern solutions to problems they face in everyday life.Held in Interact, this inclusive event saw enthusiastic participation from students of various semesters, working in synergy to come up with ideas driven by efficiency and feasibility.

The event started with a brief introduction to the generation and execution of an idea –
Finding solutions to a problem, creating a product, and understanding its marketing and investment. They then progressed to making a list of problems students face in their day-to-day lives, may it be in college, the mess, the hospital or even in their hostels. With laundry issues, grocery delivery and 24×7 library services among others, there were points being fired eagerly from everywhere.

Splitting into teams of 3-4 people, each group picked a particular problem and delved into ideation. Joined by an Incandescent team member, they meandered through multiple ideas, their practicability, the profits, any possible impediments and together, they conceptualised efficient solutions to their chosen problem.
Taking turns, the groups unveiled their ideas and through a productive feedback round, they worked through hindrances and possible improvements, in the end drafting a satisfying blueprint.

Offering a glimpse into the process of ideation and giving everyone a chance to channel their creativity and problem-solving skills, Pitchwell ended on a promising note with many impressive ideas to work on. A great start to the week, there was much to take away from this thoroughly productive session and so much more to come back for!

Design by: Incandescent, KMC
Written by: Prakhya Gupta, The Editorial Board, KMC
Photography by: Arnav Agarwal, The Editorial Board, KMC
Anusha Srivastava, The Editorial Board, KMC
Pranav Bansal , The Editorial Board, KMC
Shivansh Singh, The Editorial Board, KMC
Uploaded by: Vaishnavi Singh, The Editorial Board, KMC