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Otoscopy, Fundoscopy &Catheterization workshop-Cutting edge

On the 30th of June, Cutting Edge, the student surgical club of KMC Manipal, held the ‘Otoscopy, Fundoscopy and Catheterization Workshop’. It was held for the purpose of teaching students from the 1st-4th years the basics of Otoscopy, Fundoscopy, and Catheterization, the technique and the methodology behind them. With a turnout of 70 participants, the workshop was considered a great success. The event started at 4.30 wherein participants were taught, in brief, the basics and indications of Otoscopy and Fundoscopy and the normal anatomy of the Tympanic Membrane and the Fundus of the Eye. Then the participants were divided into groups of 3, and then further into groups of 4; and were taught the technique behind each of the 3 procedures, one by one.

They were taught the basic theory involving the procedure, then the technique was demonstrated by the members of the Cutting Edge committee and then finally they were made to do the technique on anatomically accurate mannequins. For Otoscopy and Fundoscopy, participants were allowed to examine the Ears and Eyes, respectively, of volunteers from the participants and members of the Cutting Edge committee. Interestingly, some members of Cutting Edge even went as far as to willingly dilate their eyes using medication to allow for easier viewing of the Fundus. Finally, participants were asked to settle down again, and a Kahoot quiz involving all 3 of the previously mentioned topics was held.

Congratulation to Nidhi Parcha, Akshat Sinha, and Lalit Pullela (all 3 are 1st years) for coming 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively. Finally, Manan, the President of Cutting Edge, thanked the participants for taking part in Cutting Edge’s 4th successful workshop of the year.

Event Gallery 


Written by :Adish Joshi , The Editorial Board KMC
Design by : Team Cutting Edge
Photography by: Kartik Bhateja &Tanishq Yadav,The Editorial Board KMC
Uploaded by : Jayendra Singh , The Editorial Board KMC