Networth’s Manipal Monopoly ’24 was a dynamic event, held in two slots at the Interact halls. It was a fun twist on the very adored game that included Manipal lingo and places into the gameplay.
The properties in the game showcased popular campus locations such as Nehru, Indira, Cheffies, Bacchus, Marena, and the Dean’s office. Participants faced a series of engaging challenges—ranging from push-ups and song guessing to tongue twisters and dance-offs—that offered opportunities to earn bonus money.
There were trading rounds that emphasized on players’ marketing and negotiation skills, with some transactions involving real money. The auction for unsold properties saw participants bidding extravagantly, adding an exciting layer of competition.

The event also served as a fantastic platform for socializing, allowing students, especially the new batch, to connect with their batchmates and peers from different colleges.
There were surprise twists at every turn that kept the participants on their toes, such as the closure of End Point due to leopard sightings and the introduction of new pizza items at Vitos, which drastically affected property values and changed the final outcomes a lot.
Slot 1: The champions were Etaash and Suhani from the KMC 24 batch.
Slot 2: Aarushi, Gautam, and Siddanth (also from KMC 24) clinched victory by a narrow margin of just 60 rupees.
Overall, Networth’s Manipal Monopoly ’24 successfully combined childhood nostalgia and careful strategy making into this unforgettable event.
Writers: Vaidicka , The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal
Photographers: Aditya Zutshi, The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal
Uploaded by: Abhinav Raj, The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal