On the seventh of August, KMC, Manipal was honoured to be the host to a Student Information Session organised by the Department of Student Affairs, MAHE. Meant to discuss higher education opportunities in the USA, the event began with the MC of the event, Shivam Thaker, warmly welcoming everyone before introducing the renowned guests and faculty present. Dr. Arvind Pandey, Dr. Vinod Nayak and Dr. Geetha Maiya, all renowned faculty of MAHE, were present at the event.
With students from MCOPS, MCHP, KMC and more, Interact Hall 4a was packed with students eager to listen to Mr. Scott Hartmann, the Cultural Affairs Officer of the U.S. Consulate General in Chennai.

Ms. Preetika Sachar, the Centre Manager of Yashna Trust – EducationUSA, Bangalore, introduced the topic, briefing everyone on the steps required to apply for higher education in the USA and the necessary time frame for doing the same.
While she spoke, business cards for Yashna Trust were handed out, ensuring that students had a direct line of access to the right resources required to answer any and all concerns they may have at any time. Even more resources and websites were listed throughout the event, leaving the attending students comforted with the knowledge that they now had ways to have their queries answered.
Mr. Scott Hartmann elaborated more on the possibilities open to every student after graduation, with an emphasis on the courses and scholarships available to students of STEM and humanities. His candour and confidence in laying out a detailed plan for higher education helped ease the minds of those attending as it allowed them to better understand the path they could choose to follow.
Ms. Brindha Balachandran, Education and English Language Outreach Co-Ordinator of the Public Diplomacy Section in the US Consulate, Chennai, then settled any doubts and concluded the event.

During the question-and-answer session that followed, students from all colleges asked questions expressing various concerns they had regarding the application process, the details of their education plans and more, all of which the speakers put to rest with detailed answers.
The Student Council of KMC, Manipal, played a key role in ensuring the success of the event, while the Class Representatives from the first two years of MBBS were present to bring order to the gathering. Thanks to the informative session featuring Dr. Hartmann, everyone left the hall with greater clarity on what the future holds for them.
Photography: Pranav Venugopal The Editorial Board KMC
Writer: Rohita Mahesh The Editorial Board KMC
Uploaded by: Medha Chatterjee The Editorial Board KMC