Greek It
Combining the two concurrent streams of art and photography, the Festival of Ideas of 2023 brought with it- GREEK IT, an apt name for what ensued. the rules were simple, a team of two- a photographer and a digital artist were asked to work together to create masterpiece that adheres to the theme of Greek mythology, but the products the judges received in a matter of just 90 minutes were breath-taking to the say the least. One of the most exciting parts included the reveal of each entry itself!

The winners included:
Siddharth Sharma and Raj Amrit Ranjan, KMC Mangalore
Swaroop Diddi and Aarushi Tripathi, MIT , KMC Manipal respectively
Special mention to Aakash Kumar and Deevanshi Manchanda, KMC Mangalore.
White Out Verses
We are surrounded by a hurricane of words, everywhere we look, from signposts to newspapers to books to graffiti. Everyone sees the words as they are printed in black and white, but can you see more? Can you make your soul speak even when presented with only someone else’s words? This was the spirit in which this event was held.

Participants were provided with a written piece, handpicked excerpts from beloved novels. They were then allowed to redact most of the text in any creative way, leaving behind only their verse. The participants then presented and discussed their poetry, along with their unique thought process and presentation.
The competition aspect was judged by Dr Sudhamshu, of the Department of Humanities. Each of the participants brought forth their creative eye to the unconventional method they were challenged with. The result was startlingly different kinds of pieces on a variety of topics. Some even brought elements of art and music into the method by which they blacked out text.
The deserving winners of the evening were:
1st Place: Shruthi M P
2nd Place: Chaitanya Pandey
3rd Place: Dhriti Bharadwaj
Symphony of Colours
Symphony of Colours was a novel event held by the Art Department of the Editorial Board on the first day of the Festival of Ideas, 3rd October. Participants were asked to pick a chit listing a song from a wide selection, including fan-favourites like song names.

They then listened to the song with their headphones and then asked to paint the emotions it inspired, leading to the creation of several awe-inspiring masterpieces. The atmosphere of the event was a most remarkable one, with the participants drawing their heart out as their expressions reflected the intensity of the art and the vibe of the song that played in their ears.
With such an interesting concept, it’s no wonder that the number participants had an amazing experience that left them with smiles as they admired their impressive artworks. After a fair evaluation of the art, Swarupa, a renowned artist from KMC, Manipal, declared Diya Gupta, Lipika Gupta and Raj Amrit Ranjan the winners of the first three positions respectively, with a special mention awarded to Paarth Sudhir.
Cash prizes and certificates were awarded to the well-deserving artists at the Closing Ceremony of the Festival of Ideas, and the event came to a successful close.
Hermes’ Gaze
Hermes Gaze was an event held under the Festival of Ideas, organized by The Editorial Board of KMC Manipal. It was a videography event, wherein participants, who were made to form teams of 2, were assigned with basic household products (such as a stapler, smiley ball, pen, notebook, etc.) Using these, they had to make a product ad in a videography format. Sounds simple enough? Well, there is a twist; the products had to be advertised for a use that they aren’t intended for.

1st place went to Swaroop Diddi and Yashya Garg of MIT, whose product was a Smiley Ball advertised as a stress reliever and 2nd place went to Simran Singh (TAPMI) and Ananya Karthik (KMC), whose product was a Stapler which was advertised as a weapon of minimal destruction.
Held on the 5th of October, Ink-pressions offered a unique new concept for participants.
Bringing together an artist and a writer, the main motif of the event was to create a piece that could speak the writer’s words and show the artist’s imagination.
The writers were given prompts on which they were supposed to pen down a piece of their choice, which would then be illustrated by the artists.
With a total of 60 minutes finish their work, the participants came up with a myriad of beautiful poems and artworks to showcase their mettle.
The event was judged by Dr. Vartika Singh, who judged the writing of the participants and Dr. Shashank Tomer, who judged the artwork and how cohesive the art and writing were.

The winners were:
1st place: Angela Anna Jossy and Shreya Sameer
Special mention: Adish Joshi and Spoorthy Nathani
Moirai or the Fates were fabled to control the lives of mortals and gods alike. Spinning, allotting and measuring; the Fates were responsible for the structure of everyone’s life. The event Moirai was inspired by the story of these three omnipotent women.
It was organized as a part of Festival of Ideas, which was held by the Editorial Board of KMC. 28 participants turned up to the event, the air around them buzzing with excitement. The esteemed judges of the event were Dr Lydia Andrade (Associate Professor of Anatomy) and Col Vinod Bhaskar (Chief Warden of MAHE Health Sciences), whose enthusiasm and zeal motivated the avid writers to spin stories.

The aim of the event was to challenge writers to write stories based on three prompts. One offered the main character of their story which was inspired by Greek mythology. The second determined the setting while the third decided the theme of their story. The ability of the writers to craft tales was astounding and we congratulate all the writers for putting up such an amazing show.
1. Roopa Gayathri K
2. Chaitanya Pandey
3. Krish Agarwal and Anshita Palorkar
Luminous Trails
Both a workshop and competition, Luminous Trails was a unique event organised by the Photography Department of the Editorial Board on the third of October as a part of the Festival of Ideas.
While the workshop taught the participants the basics of everything they’d need to know, including shutter speeds, controlling the source and the importance of exposure, the true highlight was the competition that consisted of two rounds. The first round focused on freezing motion and capturing dynamic scenes, and the second was one that tested the participants’ skill in light painting.

The art of light painting is one that creates a symphony of darkness and light, and the 6 teams of two outdid themselves by creating what looked like magic. With glowing brush strokes creating scenes featuring a variety of ideas, including wielders of light and the roads of Manipal at night. Their brilliant masterpieces were indeed an unforgettable sight to see.
While Anushk and Marmit, and Vaibhav and Swaroop were judged to be the winners of the first and second by Gautham Bonny, former President of the Student Council of KMC, Manipal with a keen eye for design, Shivani and Aanvi were awarded a special mention.
The event created a remarkably beautiful ambiance with the dimmed lights and genuine laughs, and concluded with several wonderful photographs that the participants will forever remember.
Written by: Writers of The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal
Photography by: Photography Club, Manipal
Uploaded by: Alisha Chrissel Lobo, The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal