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On 5th February, the Student Research Forum conducted an interactive Case Report Writing workshop, in the Interact halls. The speaker, Dr. Arjun Asok, began with an introduction to case reports- the definition and types. He enumerated the guidelines for writing a case report, and shared valuable insight into choosing the appropriate journal and the publication process. This was followed by a Question and Answer session, and brainstorming of ideas. The event ended with a hands-on concept map-making exercise. With a turn out of about 100, the event was a great success and all left all the participants much more familiar with case writing.

Writer: Ananya Karthik, The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal

Photographer: Tanvee Meher, The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal

Uploaded by: Mihir Manuja, The Editorial Board, KMC Manipal