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Investment Battle

Networth in collaboration with The Literary Committee organised the first debate competition of this term ‘ Investment Battles’ on the topic- Traditional vs Modern Methods of Investment. Various teams from different health sciences colleges participated with fervour. The event was graced by the presence of our honorable judges Dr. Naveen Kumar (head of hospital administration) and Mr. Subramanyan (DOC)

The participants participated in teams of two and it took place in two rounds. First being the speech given by the participants on either for or against the topic (which was given on the spot) followed by interjection by other teams. The second round was questions by the judges.

Dr. Alankrith (Dept. of surgery) also graced the event and honoured us with his wise words on various methods of investment and gave an insight into the benefits of various other investment methods, and also giving the sneak peak to Networth’s next mock stock simulation. 

The event was wrapped by awarding the top 3 teams for the day and cash prices worth 1500 were given.


Organised by : Networth & The Literary Committee

Written by : Abha Bansal , The Literary Committee

Design by : Shivika Sarogi , The Editorial Board , Namrata Gupta , Networth KMC

Photos by : Samir Gulati , The Editorial Board

Published by : Utkarsh Agrawal , The Editorial Board