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Nasha Mukt Club Inauguration

On 4th August 2022, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal welcomed a new club into its fold. The Inauguration Ceremony of the KMC Manipal’s very own Nasha Mukt club, under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, campaign for India’s 75th Independence Day. Event took place at Dr.TMA Pai Hall, KMC Manipal and was presided over by the Dean Dr. Sharath K Rao, along with our esteemed faculty members.

The ceremony began, at 5 pm, on a devotional note, with Ms. Kirti Gaur, the Literary Secretary of the Student Council, offering a musical invocation.

Ms. Kirti Gaur invoking the audience
Ms. Shivani Yadav giving overview of Nasha Mukt Club

Then, Ms. Shivani Yadav, President of the student council, illuminated the audience with her vision for the Nasha Mukt club. “Drug addiction is emerging to be a major problem in our society and the Student Council of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal endeavors to take forward the cause drug demand reduction proposed by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment,” she said with zeal. She suggested that the main objectives would include spreading awareness, workshops, seminars, rehabilitation, volunteer drives, and fundraisers. She further mentioned about being one of Chairperson and Founding member along with Mr. Utkarsh Agrawal, Vice President of Student Council added on with Dr. Vinod Nayak, Dr. Shobha Kamath and Dr. Arvind Pandey being faculty advisors for the club.

In a remarkable moment, the ‘Nasha Mukt club’ of KMC Manipal was inaugurated by Dr. Sharath K Rao (Dean of KMC Manipal), Dr. Anil K Bhat, Dr. Krishnananda Prabhu, Dr. Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay, (Associate Deans of KMC Manipal), Dr. Vinod Nayak (faculty advisor for the KMC sports committee), Dr. Shobha Kamath (coordinator of student affairs), Dr. Arvind Kumar Pandey (faculty advisor of the student council and coordinator student affairs KMC Manipal).

Inauguration of Nasha Mukt Club

The esteemed Dean Dr. Sharath K Rao then addressed the audience. He explained that the genesis of this idea had begun on 26th June 2021. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment launched the National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction, “Nasha Mukt Bharat”, in honor of International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking.

“Drugs have a devastating effect on individuals and families. We must get together to solve this problem. The goal is to target those most vulnerable, students” he reflected. He broke the intentions down perfectly. In his own words, the road to recovery is three steps, “Counselling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation” and this is the route he hopes the club will be able to light up. He believes that big things are in store for the future!

Dean Dr. Sharath K Rao addressing his view over the club

In a hush of solemnity, the attendants rose for an oath given by Dr. Vinod Nayak


being a member of
the NASHA MUKT club at KMC MANIPAL,(A Constituent unit of MAHE)
hereby pledge
To make our college Nasha Mukt
by staying away from illicit substances
and involving myself wholeheartedly
in all the efforts
undertaken by the KMC MANIPAL,
(A Constituent unit of MAHE)
towards this noble cause.
Members of Nasha Mukt Club taking Oath
Oath taking Ceremony

The inaugural ceremony was concluded by gracious word of thanks delivered by the Vice President, Mr. Utkarsh Agrawal followed by National Anthem.

Vote of thanks by Mr. Utkarsh Agarwal
National Anthem during Ceremony

Following this ceremony, a monologue competition took place. All the participants were spellbinding. They touched the crowd with tales of addiction and the terror it wrecks on families and the young. Each monologue was cleverly written and perfectly coordinated using props and audio, bringing every horror to life.

The judges for the competition were Mr. Bijay Kumar Barik, who works as faculty in the Division of Biochemistry at the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, and Dr. Sambit Dash, an Assistant professor of biochemistry at MMMC Manipal.

In 3rd place came Meetanshi from 3rd year. She gave us a riveting poetic performance. It was a passionate warning to society that addiction is a fire that is as likely to burn down your own house as anyone else. She begged us all to stop pointing fingers, and to take care of our children, instead of passing judgment on others. Listen to and help your child, before they search for solace by more dangerous means. This was the spirit of her moving performance.

In second place was Garima Shukla from 1st year. She gave us the remembrances of a recovered addict. She had started on the path to drug addiction at an impressionable age, fallen out with her parents, and subsequently out of everyday life in society. After going through the treacherous path to recovery, she reassembles herself. She then sets out to seek a reconciliation with her parents and finds that life has gone on without her and that her father is dead. It is too late. The audience was left with a chill.

Finally, In the first place was Ananya Agarwal from 1st year. She rendered an emotionally charged oath addressed to her father. Embodying an addict pulling at the last thread of hope, she resolved to recover, by any means possible. She broke hearts as a young girl, betrayed, finally realizing there was no peace in a pill bottle.

1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-up

The winners were felicitated by the founders of the Nasha Mukt Club, Ms. Shivani Yadav and Mr. Utkarsh Agarwal, and the Faculty advisors.

Judge addressing the audience

The event closed on an optimistic note by Judges of the Honor.

The animated Masters of Ceremony were  Melvin Matthew (literary committee) and Aditi Puri (cultural committee).



Written by : Mariyah Haji , The Editorial Board , KMC

Edited by: Utkarsh Agrawal, Vice President, KMC Student Council

Design by : Shivani Yadav , President ; Utkarsh Agrawal, Vice President, KMC Student Council ; Khushi Nehra, Jyotika Mittal , Cultural Committee

Photography by : Sparsh Srivastava, Samir Gulati, Pranav Venugopal, Devansh Dhankad The Editorial Board KMC

Uploaded by : Sourabh Singh , The Editorial Board KMC ; Utkarsh Agrawal, Vice President, KMC Student Council