Day 1
Inauguration Ceremony
The Chief Guest of the event, Dr H. S. Ballal, pro chancellor of MAHE, graced the occasion with his presence and congratulated the delegates and core committee of IGCLA for pulling off an extraordinary event.

IGCLA Lindau Alumni Speech
The 2022 edition of IGCLA started out with a bang. The first day welcomed Lindau alumni, Santosh Taur, an impactful speaker captured young minds with his presentation, as he joined the convention via MS Teams. The president of IGCLA, Partha Dhabke, enigmatic as ever, also fielded many a queries and possibilities for research for IG students in his presentation.
Participants were eager to listen and ask doubts and felt thoroughly invigorated by the talks.
Panel Discussion
The Panel Discussion on the first day of IGCLA boasted an impressive set of panelists:
- Dr. Samir Kumar Praharaj, Professor and Head of the Department of Psychiatry
- Dr. Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay, Professor and Associate Dean of the Department of Microbiology
- Dr Pushpa G Kini, Professor from the Department of Paediatrics
- Dr. Suresh Pillai, Professor from Department of Otorhinolaryngology

The event was moderated by Dr. Vinod Nayak, from the Department of Forensic Medicine, and Mr. Aditij Dhamija, equipped with a riveting set of questions that allowed the candidates to have an insight into the panelists expert knowledge and years of experience in their respective disciplines.
IGCLA Poster Presentation
The UG Poster Presentation Competition organized by IGCLA gave a platform to the young voices in the medical community, first and second year undergraduate students, to present clinical cases. They were judged by esteemed faculty from departments of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology and microbiology from KMC Manipal and Mangalore. The students participated with the utmost enthusiasm, giving impressive and informative presentations. Ms. M. Anne Anjali secured the first position and Mr. Yogesh Benmbey secured the second position for the same, with Mr. Shreyansh and Mr. Shivam Thaker getting special mentions for their commendable efforts.

Paediatrics Workshop
The workshop was conducted for teaching a life saving skill to the delegates which they would be using throughout their careers.

Delegates were taught how to perform pediatric and neonatal resuscitation using practical method and stimulating real life scenarios helping the delegates learn this important skill efficiently.
Tour of MAP
The tour of the famous Manipal Museum of Anatomy and Pathology witnessed the participation of enthusiastic delegates as they explored the vast array of medical specimens put on display, guided by Dr. Arvind Pandey. Following this, the delegates were also shown the dissection hall.
This was indeed a very enlightening and enjoyable experience for the delegates.

Cutting Edge
The Lumbar Puncture Workshop was held on the 10th of October by Cutting Edge, KMC’s student surgical society. After teaching the theory involving Lumbar puncture, the CE committee demonstrated the process of the same on a realistic LP mannequin. Afterwards, participants were made to perform the same, and once they successfully completed the procedure, they all shared the same joy (and relief) when the crystal-clear synthetic CSF began dripping out of their LP.

A total of 34 participants attended, all of them claiming to have learnt a lot about this basic, but crucially important, surgical skill.
On 10th October 22 IQMU in collaboration with IGCLA organized “PANACEA”, a health science quiz.
The quiz went on from 5.30-8.00pm in TMA Pai Hall 1. A neuron firing event that tested the mettle of KMC students.
The prize pool was worth ₹3000 which included free books and subscriptions.

Day 2
A sensational talk by Dr Barnali Das, Chief Consultant of Biochemistry, Toxicology and Immunology at the Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai was mesmerizing in the way she tenderly approached the subject of autoimmunity and the various ways in which it manifests, thereby affecting the lives of people diagnosed with them.

A passionate and energetic talk by Dr Nishchal Dwivedi conducted on the second day of IGCLA sparked the inquisitiveness of the members of the audience. As a respected theoretical physicist, he works towards integrating the intricate aspects of quantum mechanics with the field of medicine and how it could dramatically alter our lives for the better.

The Panel Discussion that took place on 11th October, 2022, as a part of the 8th Edition of IGCLA was a brilliant medley of minds that encouraged one to think beyond the borders of the traditional methods employed by doctors and delve into the wonders that technology can achieve in the field of medicine.
From 11 A.M. to 1 P.M, TMA Pai Hall 3 of KMC, Manipal, was graced by the presence of four esteemed speakers, namely Dr. Aseem Pradhan from the Department of Neurosurgery, Dr. Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay, Professor and Associate Dean from the Department of Microbiology, Dr. Barnali Das, Lead Consultant from the Department of Biochemistry & Immunology in Kokilaben Hospital and Dr. Vasudeva Bhat K, Associate Professor from the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology.

The thought-provoking discussion was moderated by Dr. Vinod Nayak from the Department of Forensic Medicine.
The thoughts shared by these eminent speakers on innovation in medicine, the topic of the day, were novel and truly a marvel for each member of the audience to contemplate.
Splintage Workshop
In the series of brilliant workshops organised as part of IGCLA ’22, ‘Splintage in Trauma’ was held on Day 2. Headed by Dr. Madhava Pai, Dr. Amruthraj BK and Dr. Utkarsh Ajay from the Dept. of Orthopaedics KMC, it saw a great turnout of enthusiastic medicos.

It was a 90 minute workshop that not only brushed up on the anatomy, movements and X-rays of various joints, but also provided participants with knowledge about the dos and don’ts of various splinting methods. Crucial hands-on experience was also provided with the help of mannequins.
ECG On Fingertips
On the 12th of October, the event titled “ECG on Fingertips” was held by the Dr. Mukund Prabhu from the Cardiology Department of KMC Manipal.
The workshop, which was held over a span of 1.5 hrs, comprised of a crash course about the basics of ECG reading, leads, the axes of ECG and then onto the abnormalities which can be depicted on ECG. The registration was open to all UG students.
Day 2 of IGCLA witnessed Justitia organising a spooky Halloween-inspired event, Hextober. It was held at TMA PAI HALL 1 on 11th October from 3:30 pm.
The participants had to clear two rooms with four stations per room, wherein they had to collect clues and save themselves from the vengeful spirits who have plagued their existence. It was a trick-or-treat event, albeit with an interesting twist. Solving stations were rewarded with clues wrapped around candies. Getting them wrong led to bringing more trouble with extra trick questions.

Participants donned their thinking hats and utilised Forensic Medicine and trivia knowledge to free themselves from the clutches of the dead spirits. With haunting but beautiful decor consisting of graveyards, tombstones, and candles, the event surely kickstarted the adrenaline rush combined with fun and frolic among participants.
The debate competition organised by the debating society of KMC Manipal in collaboration with IGCLA for the conference was sure to attract a lot of commendable talent this year. This two day event was adjudicated by Arsalaan Kidwai and Aditij Dhameja and the motions ranged from terminal patients and their rights, to food companies and capitalism.
Participants of the conference as well as KMC students dove head first into arguments, rebuttals and tense rounds. While there were plenty solid arguments to witness, Samridhi Kumaresan and Mariyah Haji took the debate by its throat and ended up as winners

Gala Night
The much awaited Gala night was decked out in full glam this year. The theme was Bollywood and the stunning decor, the breathtaking photo booth screamed exactly that for attendees. Delicious food, relaxing conversation and lots of dancing was witnessed by the glowing halls of TMA Pai on the second night of the convention.

Day 3
MSF Talk
Representatives from Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders, Mr. Shahid Mir, Mr. Deepak Bhatia and Mr. Sumit Khurana addressed the candidates of IGCLA with great zest; explaining to them the inner workings of their independent organization and their noble cause to help people get medical attention beyond the borders of nations, colour, race, and political alliance.

They briefed them about their ongoing projects in several parts of the world, with people from both medical and non-medical backgrounds working tirelessly to fulfill the goal of access to medical assistance for all.
Talk by CEO of Manipal-GoK Bioincubator
The Euphoria of Innovation is incomparable to any other joys of life, to make it more accessible for young Innovators like us we have the Manipal – Government of Karnataka Bioincubator, a Technology Business Incubator, which is an initiative by Manipal Academy of Higher Education and the Government of Karnataka to facilitate the incubation of startups.
To tell us more about this initiative and to talk us through the research and innovation Culture at Manipal, we had with us Dr. Manesh Thomas, the Chief Executive Officer of Manipal – Government of Karnataka Bioincubator. Dr, Thomas holds a Ph.D. in Microbiology and has many publications, book chapters, and gene bank submissions. He is currently co-chair for The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), Medical device Committee for Startups.
The session was quiet useful and was informative to those who are inclined towards innovation and/or are planning to have a startup of their own in the future.

Manipal GoK Bioincubator: 3D Printing workshop
Manipal GoK Bioincubator, in collaboration with IGCLA, held a workshop that took the enthusiastic candidates through the process of 3D printing. From an overview, to an explanation of each part of the device; the candidates got to know each step of the complex exercise; with detailed explanations by experts.
MSF Workshop : Mapathon
Médecins Sans Frontières conducted a Mapathon in collaboration with IGCLA, where they taught budding healthcare professionals how to help put relatively unexplored areas on the map, making reaching out to them and offering help a more feasible task. The candidates took instructions meticulously and tried their hand at mapping, getting to play a part in MSFs noble endeavors.

Code Blue
Code Blue was a workshop organized by our very own Emergency Medicine Club, Tempus Pretioso, for IGCLA 2022. With the aim of arming students with the capacity to deal effectively with various medical emergencies, Code Blue was constructed as a series of adrenaline-packed case scenarios, each giving the participants an opportunity to learn a new skill. The workshop was spread across three stations, each teaching two skills

While the first station equipped the participants with the ability to insert an IV line and perform good CPR, the second and third stations were packed with activities such as Endotracheal tube intubation, Urinary Catheterization and Heimlich Maneuver. The participants were also enlightened about the Glasgow Coma Scale. The skills were taught on high-quality mannequins using real equipment at the Anatomy Skills Lab, and this was greatly appreciated by the over 50 participants, many of whom do not have access to such facilities at their respective colleges.
The workshop, spanning over 1.5 hours in the hot afternoon, still managed to captivate the attention of the participants throughout, and was an enriching experience for them.
ECG On Fingertips
On the 12th of October, the event titled “ECG on Fingertips” was held by the Dr. Mukund Prabhu from the Cardiology Department of KMC Manipal.
The workshop, which was held over a span of 1.5 hrs, comprised of a crash course about the basics of ECG reading, leads, the axes of ECG and then onto the abnormalities which can be depicted on ECG. The registration was open to all UG students.

A collaboration between KMC’s very own finance club, NetWorth, and the organising committee of IGCLA 2022 resulted in the creation of a novel game called Manipal Monopoly that amused all who participated.
With the option to play either individually or in teams of two, the event held at T.M.A. Pai Hall 2 presented a fun break from the gravity of the conference to over 20 delegates. This physical adaptation of the classic game, Monopoly, involved a clever set-up that helped recreate the spirit of the board game in real-time.

Properties being labelled as locations all over Manipal, including popular hubs like the KMC Food Court, Hotel Galleria and Edge, fake currency being provided to buy these properties with, and a colorful wheel to spin in place of rolling dice—all of these were unique ways of adapting the traditional methods of playing the board game to a live-action version.
To mimic the Chance and Community Chest cards found in a standard Monopoly game, players were tasked with objectives that involved mini-games that the organisers had set up. Property auctions amongst the 8 teams in each of the two time slots of the game were held, and participants were able to maximise their profit by collecting rent striking trade deals with each other.
All in all, the Manipal Monopoly was a tremendous success that stayed true to the classic rules of this nostalgic board game. The evening of fun drew to a close with the networth of each participant being calculated and Shubham Maheshwari emerging victorious as the winner. Everyone soon left the hall with happy smiles and even happier memories after having a ton of fun with this interactive version of their childhood favourite board game.
Valedictory Ceremony
After three days of conferences, presentations and competitions, the core committee of IGCLA was ready to top it off with a closing ceremony which was elegantly handled.
Ms Ishani Singh (Head of Scientific) spoke eloquently of the various events that contributed to the success of the endeavor. Ms Kavisha Agarwal (Organizing Chairperson) and Ms Shivani Yadav (Head of Design) enthusiastically thanked the speakers for putting in tremendous time and energy.
The Associate Deans, Dr Krishnananda Prabhu and Dr Anil Bhatt along with Dr Arvind Pandey and Dr Shankar M Bakkannavar (Faculty Advisors) invited the organizing chairpersons, Mr Aditij Dhamija and Ms Kavisha Agarwal along with the core committee onstage for putting on a fabulous event.
Mr Harshavardhan Sai Sadineni (Webmaster) and Mr Abhineet Kashyap ( Head of Finance) thanked all the guests and delegates for turning the event into a victory. A brilliant montage of scenes from conferences and workshops created by Lumen gave way to a perfect end.

The winners of the events held by IGCLA are as follows:-
1st -Akshata M Kamath Ammembal
2nd – Payal Menon
3rd – Trishtha Agarwal & Tanya Thomas
Dr. Niharika Agarwal
1st – M. Anne Anjali
2nd – Yogesh Benmbey
1st – Arihant Senthil (UG)
1st – Dr. Divya Shenoy (PG)
Special Mention – Shreyansh + Shivam Thaker (UG)
Scintillate by the Debating Society, KMC
Samridhi Kumaresan and Mariyah Haji
We heartily congratulate the winners !

Poster design: IGCLA, KMC Written by: Komal Mishra, Manaswini, Mrunmayee Nerlikar, Akarsh Sinha, Vaishnavi Katiyar, Rohita Mahesh,Tanvee Walia, Mariyah Haji,Sourabh Singh The Editorial Board,KMC Photography by: Vipul Deshwal, Ayush Rana, Hasmita Ganesuni, Pranay Jain, Bhavye Bhatia, Tanishq Yadav, Manas Agarwal, Pranav Venugopal, Samir Gulati, Kartik Bhateja The Editorial Board,KMC Uploaded by: Alisha Chrissel Lobo, Sourabh Singh, The Editorial Board,KMC