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EmerJUNEcy – Tempus Pretioso:

EmerJUNEcy was conducted on the 6th and 7th of June by Tempus Pretioso, the emergency medicine enthusiasts club of KMC Manipal. The two-day learning extravaganza consisted of various challenges that encouraged participants to think and learn a comprehensive approach to emergencies.

Day 1 took participants through an immersive experience through the mystical forest of Jumanji, where they were presented with cases like fractures, choking, drowning, anaphylactic shock, snake bites and pneumothorax. They applied their clinical knowledge and critical thinking skills, aided by the members of Tempus Pretioso, and learnt the systematic management of each of these emergency scenarios with a holistic approach to learning. The team comprising of Mihir, Ayeshani, Chandrashekhar and Arunisha landed an impressive 1st position in the event, with Shashwath, Saraeu and Tarunya finishing at a close second position.

The Grand EM Quest was held on Day 2 of EmerJUNEcy, a multi-tier challenge that took participants through various fast-paced levels that tested and enhanced their knowledge of emergency medicine.

The first challenge was an EM quiz, followed by an exciting Relay Round, after which participants went through the EM Obstacle Course, aided by clues from BeER Pong, inspired by the popular party game.

The points from the first three challenges determined which teams advanced to the fourth challenge, Climb EM Ladders, where participants were quizzed on Emergency Medicine-related trivia while moving on a board inspired by the popular game, Snakes and Ladders.

The first 6 teams to reach the end of the board moved on to the final round, EM Mafia, a battle of wits between participants as they sought to comprehend emergency management while out-smarting their opponents. Sujal and Maaz placed first, with Adish and Sriya in second place to conclude the event.

Event Gallery:


Design by: Tempus Pretioso, KMC
Written by: Tanvee Walia, The Editorial Board,KMC
Photography by: Samir Gulati, Pranav Venugopal, Bhavya Bhatia The Editorial Board,KMC
Uploaded by: Alisha Chrissel Lobo, The Editorial Board,KMC